In Sunday's Commercial Appeal (the local paper) there was an article about Nathan
Bedford Forrest Park. In the opening paragraph it states: "Nathan
Bedford Forrest monument in the Downtown park named for the
Ku Klux Klan leader," and later "what the park would look like if, magically, Forrest disappeared," and the conclusion, "And in a space that has been home to just one story -- Forrest's -- it was fitting that on this day, he had no one there to speak for him.
He sat there mute, trapped as if in prison, as the future danced all around him."
Bedford Forrest was a great Confederate General, and Leader, and I know in your political correct, deluded sense of history he is displayed as a the devil's spawn, but in actuality he was a brilliant leader, a hero of the Civil War. But no, she labeled as "the
Ku Klux Klan leader," reducing him to nothing more than a racist, demented bigot, as the politically correct version of history portrays him.
As for the second part, "what the park would look like if, magically, Forrest disappeared," seeing as the is the South, I seriously doubt he will disappear, and I will protest every time it is brought up by the City Council. I am not a racist, or bigot, BUT I WILL NOT STAND FOR LIBERALS BULLDOZING OVER HISTORY. HISTORY SHOULD NOT BE REWRITTEN. REWRITING HISTORY LEADS TO BIGOTRY, RACISM, AND IGNORANCE!!!! Furthermore, the monument is not just a monument, it is the site of Forrest's burial, and it is illegal, in this instance, to move interred remains.
As for Ms.
Thomas's final sentence "... a space that has been home to just one story -- Forrest's -- it was fitting that on this day, he had no one there to speak for him.He sat there mute, trapped as if in prison, as the future danced all around him," THE EVENT WAS SECRET, SO OF COURSE THERE WAS NO ONE TO SPEAK FOR HIM! Furthermore, in the article of glowing praise for the program that celebrates the diversity of Memphis heritages there was one that wasn't represented-MINE!